A sweet date with my birthday girl
For her fourth birthday, we splurged for a date with yours truly to the movies, including popcorn and candy.
(Side note: This might not be a big deal in your family, but we don't go to the movies. It's not because of the cost - though that's certainly part of it - but mostly because we just don't feel like it's that fantastic of an experience. Lee and I were dating or engaged for six years, and I think we saw less than five movies in the theater during that time, and we've only seen two or three more since. During my freshman year of high school, my drama teacher assigned a paper two days before finals, asking us to review a movie that we had seen in the theaters that semester; rather than 'fess up my freshman uncoolness of not having been to the movies that year and ask to review a less current film, my mom and I went that night. {Thanks, Mom!} The whole idea of sitting in a dark, quiet place with sticky, greasy floors with other people who may or may not understand proper theater etiquette just isn't all that enticing to us. And then you ask us to pay how much for an experience that isn't all that thrilling in the first place?!? Eh, we'll pass.)
I may not care for trips to the movies, but I have a little princess. She loves Disney. She loves movies. She loves dates with Mommy or Daddy, special times when she gets us one on one. She loves doing big kid things.
Which is why I knew she would LOVE seeing Tangled on the big screen.
As it turns out, the only Friday night showings now (and maybe ever?) of Tangled are in 3D. So we rocked the glasses.
And, as much as I don't love the movie theater experience, I did L-O-V-E Tangled. Ohmygoodness. Solid music? Check. Witty dialogue that doesn't insult the intellect with potty humor? Check. Sacrificial love? Check. Clear good and bad? Check. Cute little chameleon side kick? Check. (The first Disney hero I thought was an animated hottie? Check. umm, did I really just type that?)
Precious little birthday girl wearing a Tangled dress-up dress and 3D glasses
who climbed into my lap halfway through the movie because she doesn't weigh enough yet to keep the seat down on her own,
who wore four different hairbows in her hair because she couldn't choose just one,
who danced in the aisles until the credits were over,
who screamed and yelled "oh, no!" when the main guy and a horse fell off a cliff,
who occasionally hugged me and said "I love you" at random points in the movie,
who told me that we could cuddle with each other to stay warm as we walked back to the car because that's what penguins do,
who insisted that we bring some of our candy and popcorn back to Daddy and Robbie and maybe even Napoleon,
and who was in awe of the whole movie theater experience?
(Side note: This might not be a big deal in your family, but we don't go to the movies. It's not because of the cost - though that's certainly part of it - but mostly because we just don't feel like it's that fantastic of an experience. Lee and I were dating or engaged for six years, and I think we saw less than five movies in the theater during that time, and we've only seen two or three more since. During my freshman year of high school, my drama teacher assigned a paper two days before finals, asking us to review a movie that we had seen in the theaters that semester; rather than 'fess up my freshman uncoolness of not having been to the movies that year and ask to review a less current film, my mom and I went that night. {Thanks, Mom!} The whole idea of sitting in a dark, quiet place with sticky, greasy floors with other people who may or may not understand proper theater etiquette just isn't all that enticing to us. And then you ask us to pay how much for an experience that isn't all that thrilling in the first place?!? Eh, we'll pass.)
I may not care for trips to the movies, but I have a little princess. She loves Disney. She loves movies. She loves dates with Mommy or Daddy, special times when she gets us one on one. She loves doing big kid things.
Which is why I knew she would LOVE seeing Tangled on the big screen.
As it turns out, the only Friday night showings now (and maybe ever?) of Tangled are in 3D. So we rocked the glasses.
And, as much as I don't love the movie theater experience, I did L-O-V-E Tangled. Ohmygoodness. Solid music? Check. Witty dialogue that doesn't insult the intellect with potty humor? Check. Sacrificial love? Check. Clear good and bad? Check. Cute little chameleon side kick? Check. (The first Disney hero I thought was an animated hottie? Check. umm, did I really just type that?)
Precious little birthday girl wearing a Tangled dress-up dress and 3D glasses
who climbed into my lap halfway through the movie because she doesn't weigh enough yet to keep the seat down on her own,
who wore four different hairbows in her hair because she couldn't choose just one,
who danced in the aisles until the credits were over,
who screamed and yelled "oh, no!" when the main guy and a horse fell off a cliff,
who occasionally hugged me and said "I love you" at random points in the movie,
who told me that we could cuddle with each other to stay warm as we walked back to the car because that's what penguins do,
who insisted that we bring some of our candy and popcorn back to Daddy and Robbie and maybe even Napoleon,
and who was in awe of the whole movie theater experience?