in which I bathe in bleach and turn my bodily fluids orange

In other words, in which I (hopefully) say goodbye to MRSA foh-ever. (I would say faux-ever, but Norma is busy saving the fauxes.)

I saw an infectious disease specialist today because, you know, eight bouts of MRSA in two years (plus a tryst with c. diff for good measure) isn't good for anyone. We have a plan, which (thankfully!) doesn't involve changing my arthritis meds.  That's wonderfully marvelous very good fantastic supercalifragilisticexpialidocious news because those drugs finally seem to be working well (hallelujah and amen)!

Here's the dealio; for the next week I will
  • take two different antibiotics, including one that will probably turn my tears, sweat, spit, and other bodily fluids bright orange (note to self: avoid wearing white while taking that stuff)
  • use antibiotic ointment in my nose twice a day, not because I have an infection there but because that's a place that MRSA likes to hang out
  • use a special antibacterial soap called Hibaclens every day for the week
  • pour a cup of bleach in a bath and soak in it for 15 minutes twice during that week (second note to self: if I ignore my first note to self, just wear those clothes in the tub)
  • wash all our linens a couple times in hot water, particularly sheets and towels
After that week, I'll use the soap a couple times a week and do the bleach baths every couple of weeks. And, of course, do the other typical good hygiene stuff that we do so that we can engage with others in polite society because it's good for us.

If you've made it this far, I need some recommendations, por favor. What's your favorite moisturizer or lotion? I know the Hibalcens dries me out badly, and I can't imagine that the bleach is going to help with that. So I'm willing to accept any donations of suggestions for lotion.

And I'd love it if you would pray that this will eradicate the scourge of MRSA in our house.
'cause that would really rock.