watch out: adopting a child with special needs might impact your other children.

Like our firstborn, who wrote the sermon notes below yesterday, out of concern for one sister who was home sick with me and another sister who was in the nursery. Patu has asthma, we discovered yesterday, and Zoe has cerebral palsy, which we knew about before we ever saw her face.

About the one originally from Uganda and the other born in Taiwan, our all-America from-my-womb girl wrote:

In case you didn't catch all of that,
"God and Jesus Christ, can you heal my sister Patricia (who was home sick yesterday) and help my sister Zoe walk, talk, and use her right hand because of the boo boos on her brain."
And a month or two ago, this hung in the lobby of the school, as our girl's award winning essay in response to the prompt, "If I had $100, I would..."

Yes, I'd say our adoptions have impacted our first born girl, wouldn't you say?