blessed and bone tired

Yesterday Robbie had his tonsils and adenoids out. Recovery so far in a word: HARD.

Zoe hasn't gotten the memo that Mommy needs to focus more on Robs so it would be helpful if she's more easygoing than usual this week. (Don't worry; she may dress like a doctor when Jocelyn plays pretend with her, but we had a real doctor do Robbie's surgery.)

Jocelyn came home from school earlier this week and handed me this. She said, ""Mommy, my friend Maddy gave me this money. We want you to have it to help bring Patience, Philip, and Patricia home." Which made my eyes teary, my heart proud, and my mind wonder if we've talked more about fundraising around the kids than I intended.

And the hand holding that change? It's fisted today due to rheumatoid arthritis. In the midst of everything, I got behind on my meds, and stress + lack of sleep + missed meds = a flare up of the joints. On a positive note, I'm impressed by what I'm able to do with one hand and one fist.

In other words, it's been a challenging week, and it's not even half over. I almost posted a status message about what a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day I'm having... when I saw this picture, the first profile picture I ever posted on Facebook:

It was next to this one:

I'm not going to lie: there have been more terrible, horrible, no good, very bad days that I'd like to recall between those two family portraits. But? I never could have guessed as a mom of one in that first picture from late 2007 that the artistic portrait above would be drawn by that baby girl as a representation of our family, circa 2013. 

Sure, some days are harder than others. Today? It's one of the hard ones. On top of everything else, we were told we'd be issued our court date in Uganda yesterday, and... well, no date yet.

But? I wouldn't trade this life for anyone else's. We are blessed.

(And bone tired.)