on grants, doll giveaway winners, fundraising tees, and one more auction
In other words, I post full of randomness.
For those of you who are only stopping by to find out if you won the dolls, check the image below! I listed Shola from Afghanistan first, so Teresa will receive that doll, and Brooke, Mosi is all yours. Congrats to both of you, and be on the lookout for an email from me to get your mailing address!
For the rest of you who care about the other stuff, GRANTS! So far, we have received three: two outright grants in which a check is written right away (from Sea of Faces Foundation and The LYDIA Fund), and one matching grant in which $2500 will be granted to us as soon as we raise $2500 in donations to match that (from Lifesong for Orphans).
Side note: Some friends have asked why Lifesong wouldn't just give the grant outright. The short answer is that they are a Christian organization, wanting the church to be the church. They provide the matching grant as a tool for families to use to engage their fellow church members and other friends in supporting the adoption and caring for the adoptive family.
We're waiting to hear from a few more grants, and meanwhile, we're proceeding with fundraising plans. Two of those are (1) another auction and (2) t-shirt sales. The shirt pre-orders will begin later this week. The auction will begin Monday, including 20 necklaces from The Adopt Shoppe, a couple sets of personalized burp cloths, more gift cards, a gift certificate to a beginning motorcycling class, a dress from Shabby Apple, and more!
In other adoption plans, we're getting travel vaccines tomorrow. This marks two weeks off meds for rheumatoid arthritis and another three weeks left before I can restart them. My trusty self-injectables suppress my immune system, and the yellow fever shot is a live vaccine. In other words, basic medical math:
For those of you who are only stopping by to find out if you won the dolls, check the image below! I listed Shola from Afghanistan first, so Teresa will receive that doll, and Brooke, Mosi is all yours. Congrats to both of you, and be on the lookout for an email from me to get your mailing address!
For the rest of you who care about the other stuff, GRANTS! So far, we have received three: two outright grants in which a check is written right away (from Sea of Faces Foundation and The LYDIA Fund), and one matching grant in which $2500 will be granted to us as soon as we raise $2500 in donations to match that (from Lifesong for Orphans).
Side note: Some friends have asked why Lifesong wouldn't just give the grant outright. The short answer is that they are a Christian organization, wanting the church to be the church. They provide the matching grant as a tool for families to use to engage their fellow church members and other friends in supporting the adoption and caring for the adoptive family.
We're waiting to hear from a few more grants, and meanwhile, we're proceeding with fundraising plans. Two of those are (1) another auction and (2) t-shirt sales. The shirt pre-orders will begin later this week. The auction will begin Monday, including 20 necklaces from The Adopt Shoppe, a couple sets of personalized burp cloths, more gift cards, a gift certificate to a beginning motorcycling class, a dress from Shabby Apple, and more!
In other adoption plans, we're getting travel vaccines tomorrow. This marks two weeks off meds for rheumatoid arthritis and another three weeks left before I can restart them. My trusty self-injectables suppress my immune system, and the yellow fever shot is a live vaccine. In other words, basic medical math:
yellow fever vac + immunosuppressing drugs = yellow fever
And I'm thinking we want to avoid that.
For now, I'm feeling the effects of being off meds. My throat is badly swollen (RA fact o' the day: the cricoarytenoid joint, near the windpipe, can get swollen and damaged by rheumatoid arthritis), and I'm a little achy in other joints, and I've been running some low-grade fevers. I knew we'd be facing this, though, so I planned with a month's free trial to Netflix DVDs.
Parenting by screens: ain't no shame in it from time to time.
Okay, that's it. I'd love to come up with a witty or clever end to the post... but I have nothing. So I'll borrow from a friend...
Have a nice day!