my husband, the comedian
Alternate title: Because some things just don't fit on the other blog, you get them here.
(By the way, I do have intentions of posing here more frequently, as we're winding down home projects in anticipation of selling our house to move elsewhere in the City of Oaks. No promises or timelines, but I've missed this place. anywho...)
I showed Lee this logo and told him I liked it.
He said, "You have the love for wheelchairs?"
"No, no, no..."
"You love people who are seated?"
Sigh. Eye roll.
"Oh, I see it. You used to have love and then someone sat on it."
"Just go away. Now."
"I, too, am available to speak at conferences!" he boasted proudly, assuming a Superman stance (minus the cape, spandex, and letter on his chest, of course).
To which I, in truetongue-in-cheek Ephesians 5:33 Proverbs 32 fashion, responded, "I wonder why you haven't been asked to speak at any yet."
Unperturbed, he confidently replied, "I am undiscovered talent."
(By the way, I do have intentions of posing here more frequently, as we're winding down home projects in anticipation of selling our house to move elsewhere in the City of Oaks. No promises or timelines, but I've missed this place. anywho...)
I showed Lee this logo and told him I liked it.
He said, "You have the love for wheelchairs?"
"No, no, no..."
"You love people who are seated?"
Sigh. Eye roll.
"Oh, I see it. You used to have love and then someone sat on it."
"Just go away. Now."
"I, too, am available to speak at conferences!" he boasted proudly, assuming a Superman stance (minus the cape, spandex, and letter on his chest, of course).
To which I, in true
Unperturbed, he confidently replied, "I am undiscovered talent."