fun with friends

The week before Easter, we went over to our sweet friends' house and hung out for the morning. Knowing that Leiana would love to dress-up and knowing that Jocelyn wouldn't want to leave her costumes at home, we brought them with us! Such a fun day, for which I am thankful because since then we've each had a stomach bug, the kids have each had another virus that gave them high fevers, and Jocelyn now has poison ivy. It's a good thing I'm reading Stephen Altrogge's The Greener Grass Conspiracy right now, because it would be tempting to become discontented if I weren't reading solid reminders of why that's not God's best for me. (And, yes, a review is coming; I still have a couple chapters to go, so I can't write it just yet!)

But enough about 'bout this precious princess?!?

I think she's bummed that the prince isn't willing to play along.

And all the dragon wanted to do was read a book about a dragon.

Thankfully, reading was an activity they all found agreeable.

Love them!

Hmm, Robbie just looked over my shoulder and said, "Baby Leiana cute." Isn't it a bit early for that?!?