where i've been

But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.
Luke 2:19

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”
Psalm 46:10

It's been a long time since I've let my little corner of the blogosphere go quiet for a couple weeks. I have had pictures I wanted to share, books I'm past due in reviewing, and thoughts wanting to spill out. I certainly haven't had writer's (blogger's?) block or anything of the sort.

I've been pondering quietly.
I've been still.

I haven't intentionally not blogged.

I have intentionally taken some time to think through some weighty life and faith issues. And I've intentionally been beautifying my home life, both in the physical sense as I've been busy with house projects and in the relational sense as Lee and I have dated more and gotten on the floor to play more.

It's been lovely. And by "lovely," I mean tears are coming to my eyes right now at how thankful I am for what God has done in my life and my heart in the past couple weeks and the past couple months.

I'll probably have to hold myself back from publishing a gazillion and one posts in the next week or two, because you probably don't want to read 27 posts a day from me, huh? :) To give a glimpse of what's to come, though (and to give myself a list so I don't forget the posts that have been ruminating in my skull), you can most likely expect
  •  a post about depression and friendship that I wanted to write for the last six months of 2010 but that I wasn't ready for until I drafted it a week or two ago,
  • a health-focused post that I'm more excited about than any in the past (disclaimer required by my age and by the number of round bellies in my circle of friends: no, I'm not pregnant nor presently aspiring to be),
  • confessions from a recovering I-can-do-it-all-my-myself gal who is really honestly trying not to shun help from others,
  • an update on my lengthy list of resolutions for 2011, 
  • a metaphor-focused post about the object that I think best represents healthy special needs ministry, both as it is now and as it could be,
  • approximately four trillion book reviews, and
  • approximately five trillion and one photo posts.
I might even throw in a couple of Christmas-related posts I drafted on the back of my Bible study outlines in November. (No, of course not during Bible study. *ahem* Or maybe it was. I live a little in ADHDland, so sometimes it's harder for me to focus on one thing - like the teacher - than it is for me to mostly focus on two things - like the teacher and my random notes. What I mean is...squirrel!!!)

And for now, I'll leave you to ponder this.