must, must, must read: Radical

My first thought when I got this book was Can it really be as good as the hype?

Yes. Yes, it can. (Or, dare I say it, even better.)

My biggest concern for David Platt’s Radical is that it will be a hit for a time, and then it will be forgotten. It needs to be a hit because its message is all about rejecting the Americanified so-called gospel and radically embracing the biblical true gospel. It could be forgotten, though, because it would be easy to read it, plan to make changes, and then fail to follow through. How often have I been convicted but then failed to change? *gulp* More times than I’d like to admit. Thank God for grace!

My prayer is that I won’t do that this time. In Platt’s words on page 3:
The first was simple. Was I going to believe Jesus? Was I going to embrace Jesus even though he said radical things that drove the crowds away?
The second question was more challenging. Was I going to obey Jesus? My biggest fear, even now, is that I will hear Jesus’ words and walk away, content to settle for less than radical obedience to him. In other words, my biggest fear is that I will do exactly what most people did when they encountered Jesus in the first century.
This is a challenging book. It’s not a hard read, but it was hard to evaluate my life and the mediocre faith I’ve settled for, particularly in light of the biblical exhortations for something more genuine to the Gospel.

I’ll have some thoughtful nuggets (i.e., excerpts) from Radical in the next few months, but I’ll just end with this: read it. Seriously. It’s one of my top books on the year by far. I’ve seen it on other top lists this year, and I sincerely hope it survives the hype of being the latest Christian book to recommend.

(Plus I just checked the price at Amazon, and it's $5.49 right now!)

Thanks to WaterBrook Multnomah for providing a review copy. They didn't ask or require a positive review. (And, because I had previously purchased another copy that I have misplaced, be expecting a giveaway of it once I find my second copy, because I would LOVE to bless one of y'all with this book!)