Bad title, good book: How to Stay Christian in College
/I hate the title of this book.
I wouldn’t have picked it if I hadn’t already been familiar with the author, J. Budziszewski. Not only is he a good writer, he knows the college context well, as a professor of government and philosophy at University of Texas for the past 20+ years.
I wouldn’t have picked it if I hadn’t already been familiar with the author, J. Budziszewski. Not only is he a good writer, he knows the college context well, as a professor of government and philosophy at University of Texas for the past 20+ years.
I hate the title because I hate the insinuation that college is a place that turns Christians into pagans, that those who are firm in their faith when they head off to college ought to be concerned about whether or not they can stay Christian. Ugh. What a low bar. Concern about how to continue to grow? Now that makes more sense. But I guess How to Grow as a Christian in College doesn’t have the same ring as How to Stay Christian in College.
The content, though, is the best I’ve seen as a gift book (well, if you can call it one; it’s thicker than most gift books) for those nearing high school graduation. Actually, I think it would be good for younger high schoolers too. It’s a primer to help students know what they believe, stand firm in what they believe, and prepare for challenges. Hitting on topics like worldviews and campus myths (many of which apply to most high schools as well) and coping strategies for change, Budziszewski doesn’t dive as deep into each topic as a mature Christian might like but he does handle each well, albeit superficially at times.
I think this could be a good one for parents to consider reading with their sons and daughters as they enter high school or at some point during those four years.
Disclaimer: NavPress provided a copy of this book for my review, but they didn't ask for anything other than my honest opinion.
Disclaimer: NavPress provided a copy of this book for my review, but they didn't ask for anything other than my honest opinion.