Scootin' along (post 500!)

Wow, this is my 500th blog post. Cool beans. (edited to add: Maybe. By my count, it's actually 495. But Blogger's dashboard says 500, so whatev.)

Now to the point of this post: the kids' big present this year. Our sweet girl has been eye-ing (not sure that that's right, but eying looks too weird for me!) the scooters in the neighborhood, and we decided it was time.

Although he isn't quite big enough to warrant one, we knew that our little man would be a bit covetous if he didn't have his own. Enter the three-wheeled version.

Don't you love their little pads, gloves, and helmets?

Our how-did-she-get-so-big? girl is pretty slow (for now!), but she has the hang of it.

Granted, he is still working on it. This is how he rides most of the time.

With a Daddy-powered engine, of course. 

He gives up easily, which we expected. Remember, we got this to ward off jealousy, not because we thought he was 100% ready for one.

We have discovered, though, that the protective gear is handy either way. Each of the scratches on his knee pads? Yep, they came when he was nowhere near the scooter.

He doesn't approve, though, when Daddy tries to ride it. He ran back, told Lee "mine!," and climbed back on.

We're obviously still working on sharing. But, once again, how cute is he in all that gear?

All in all, I'd call this a win. We may have more walks that result in one of us carrying the scooters, but that's why we bought the kind that fold up and why Lee is fashioning a sling-style strap for that purpose.

The only problem is that I think she aged about two or three years when she stepped on her scooter. Doesn't she look so big here?