Grad school, over (well, not technically until grades come in, but it's pretty much done).
Christmas decorating, almost done.
Getting our home and lives back in order, in progress.
And part of that getting-back-in-order process is returning to this place. I made a few changes whileprocrastinating, er, taking breaks from grad school this semester, but there may be a few more coming. I have a small gaggle of books to be reviewed here, as well as children's ones to request because those are my favorite to review. I have a lot of life to share with y'all through pictures, including some taken with my new fancy schmancy DSLR (for you photog nerds, it's a Canon t2i with the following lenses: a Tamron 17-50 f/2.8, the Canon 18-55 f/3.5-5.6 that came with the camera as the kit lens, and a 55-250mm f/4-5.6, as well as Lee's dad's Tamron 90mm f/2.8 macro that I try not to covet, er, I mean use whenever I can get my hands on it. I have an amazing friend from high school, Al, who is a professional photographer in Vegas who helped me figure out what I wanted in a camera, even when it meant pointing me toward Canon when his preference is Nikon). I have written several notes in various places that will become encouraging or silly or serious posts that I'm looking forward to sharing with you.
It's gonna be fun. I'm looking forward to life after grad school. I'm looking forward to reconnecting with each of you.
So here are my favorite guys saying, "Hallo!" (which is how the little man - the one with a scraped up nose in this shot from diving headfirst into a toy bin at church - says hello, kind of like a combination of the male name Hal and the word low).
And, by the way, if you want to catch coffee* or have a playdate sometime soon, my schedule is refreshingly open. I've neglected many a friendship during grad school, and I'm looking forward to seeking forgiveness for that and rebuilding in places where it's needed.
*Two disclaimers here: (1) I am only currently open to going to coffee places with parking near the door. If I have to walk much in this weather, I will get hypothermia or exposure or whatever you want to call it. Remember that I am a Florida girl at heart. and (2) Because I know some of you (*cough* Jenelle *cough*), I must add this: I do agree that it's best to use a cup to catch coffee and that it's probably not wise to play catch with hot beverages. So what other sarcastically literal or puntastic comments do you have for me?
Christmas decorating, almost done.
Getting our home and lives back in order, in progress.
And part of that getting-back-in-order process is returning to this place. I made a few changes while
It's gonna be fun. I'm looking forward to life after grad school. I'm looking forward to reconnecting with each of you.
So here are my favorite guys saying, "Hallo!" (which is how the little man - the one with a scraped up nose in this shot from diving headfirst into a toy bin at church - says hello, kind of like a combination of the male name Hal and the word low).
And, by the way, if you want to catch coffee* or have a playdate sometime soon, my schedule is refreshingly open. I've neglected many a friendship during grad school, and I'm looking forward to seeking forgiveness for that and rebuilding in places where it's needed.
*Two disclaimers here: (1) I am only currently open to going to coffee places with parking near the door. If I have to walk much in this weather, I will get hypothermia or exposure or whatever you want to call it. Remember that I am a Florida girl at heart. and (2) Because I know some of you (*cough* Jenelle *cough*), I must add this: I do agree that it's best to use a cup to catch coffee and that it's probably not wise to play catch with hot beverages. So what other sarcastically literal or puntastic comments do you have for me?