
1. I have submitted my thesis to my full committee. I will present and defend it a week from today. I am almost giddy at how close to being done I am! (Mostly because it's almost done, and a little because I know my graduation gift will be a fancy schmancy DSLR camera that I've been salivating over for more than a year.)

2. I'm sick right now with some sore throaty gunk. Boo.

3. I don't have much Christmas shopping left. I never thought I would be one of those who finished before December, but I'm close. Hmm, maybe I'll even get Christmas cards out before Christmas this year...
nah. That's just crazy talk.

4. We have really wonderful neighbors. They have two middle school and one high school daughter, and all three of their girls love our kids. They bless us regularly in so many ways. A few weeks ago, Maureen was positioned to have a quiet evening to herself, and she instead offered to have the kids come over for the evening so we could have a date night. They have a dog which is enough to make our little guy happy, and they have lots of little girly toys, so the girl was pleased. Maureen even took our picture at her house before we left. It's rare that we get a picture with both of us in it! :)

5. Remember the couch I posted here a couple weeks ago? The World Market sectional? We were going to get it when I realized that some of the construction of it wasn't the greatest. So back to the drawing board...

6. Our sweet girl has started posing for pictures like this. She says it looks beautiful. While I agree that she looks beautiful, I think the pose looks like she's ready for bed.

7. We're hosting Thanksgiving this year for Lee's family, and it's made me think about what foods I love that make it Thanksgiving for me. For example, if there's no turkey, it doesn't feel like Thanksgiving. And I need pumpkin something. And mashed potatoes sans gravy because I think gravy is glorified toilet water.

sooooooo what foods make Thanksgiving for you?
(And do you have any good turkey cooking tips? 'Cause I've never made one before, and I'm a bit intimidated by the big bird in my fridge.)