inspirations for our home
Every so often I'm going to post house ideas that I love here for two reasons:
And you can click on the pictures to find their original source if I don't mention it. (Mostly. Well, at least in future posts. Today I'm posting courtesy of pain relievers, which make me too loopy for thesis work but just loopy enough for blogging. Or maybe not. If this isn't a lucid enough post, feel free to leave a comment telling me that I should hold off on the blog while relieving pain as well. That won't hurt my feelings. 'Cause nothing hurts right now, thanks to the pain relievers.)
(Oh, and quickexplanation about the pain pills lest you worry that I'm an addict health update: pneumonia getting better but still on antibiotics and an inhaler; left foot which was broken is now healed and fearful of pieces of furniture falling on it again; right foot not broken just badly bruised and fearful of cans jumping out of the pantry to attack again; and two MRSA skin infections improving, although one needed a bit of scapel-loving for an I&D procedure a couple days ago, thus the pain pillage. Yes, I know you're jealous of my health. You don't need to say it out loud.)
Moving on...
First, I'm beginning to look at ideas for living room furniture. The beastly sectional that I bought with my first post-college roommate Niki is too big for the space, not really my preferred style, and no longer providing much cushioning in the cushion area. We've been living with the space issue, and I never totally loved the style (though we did love the price at Willie's Warehouse. yes, that is really the name of the place. It's a classy joint with no AC in South Texas. Their commercials consist of Willie hiding in random places, like inside refrigerators or front-load washers, while other people walk around asking where Willie is. Then he hops out, and everyone laughs. Yep, classy. I once bought a fridge, electric range, washer, and dryer all for $1200, and they lasted well. I miss Willie's.)
Niki is, by the way, listed as my spouse on one of my credit reports because she and I, as new teachers with our first paychecks not yet in sight and a house with no seating, financed the couch jointly. I've tried to correct it. I haven't been successful yet.
Okay, back to seating. I want a smaller and more neutral couch, because I want to be able to switch up accessories.
I'm not opposed to the sectional look, as long as it's miniature, like this one from World Market:
And with that one, I have the option of throwing caution to the wind and going with a color I love in our home. (Neutral? What? I never said that. Hmm, or maybe I did. But did I mean it?)
We saw a swatch of this in the store a week or two ago, and it's much less pumpkin than it looks above. more of a true spice mix - what it might look like if you dumped a little of each of the contents of your spice drawer onto a tray and then added more paprika and nutmeg.
On the other side of the room, where we have boring (and free, so boring is okay) wooden chairs. I want to replace them with one or two of these. (The pictures are the same chair, the first from World Market's website and the second that I took quickly in the store. As you can see in my not-so-great picture, it's more eggplant than purple and smaller than it looks online.)
I am glad I found the chairs, because I was thinking about getting something like this, from Crate and Barrel (I think), in its place (yes, I do like plum, along with terracotta/pumpkin oranges and mossy greens; that's basically our color palette downstairs). However, the chaise is more than double the cost of two of the chairs above.
I'm not sure we can rock the spice colored couch with the eggplant tufted-back chairs in the same room, especially given that the room has green walls. But it would combine all my favorites. I'm going to have to make a design board to consider the possibilities.
Two other quick ideas:
I like this idea of painting frames the same color as the wall and arranging them in a group, though this color isn't my thang. I might do that downstairs. (Thanks for the idea, Censational Girl!)
Also, I've been thinking about taking the carpet off our stairs (because there is no chore I detest as much as vacuuming them) and doing something like this, though with less white. (And, yep, this is Centsational Girl again.)
I just re-read all the work she did, though, and I'm reconsidering, especially because I can't quite figure out what the transitions at the bottom and top of the stairs, both carpeted areas, would look like with wooden stairs. Maybe I'll leave the carpet but revamp the wall and banister as a good first (or possibly only) step, like she did a year before.
And, finally, thanks to Justin Taylor about a month ago, I'm wanting this. It matches nothing that we own, and it wouldn't fit anywhere, but how cool is it?
My next home inspiration post will be my ideas for curtains and coordinating pillow covers. I've found some options at the store, some fabric online, and some other random ideas. I think that might be one of my first post-MAEd projects.
You know, after I finish my other half-finished projects.
And get healthy. (Which I'm hoping will happen. Someday. This side of heaven, hopefully.)
So what's inspiring you right now?
- I like to share what I love.
- I like to have a record of those things.
And you can click on the pictures to find their original source if I don't mention it. (Mostly. Well, at least in future posts. Today I'm posting courtesy of pain relievers, which make me too loopy for thesis work but just loopy enough for blogging. Or maybe not. If this isn't a lucid enough post, feel free to leave a comment telling me that I should hold off on the blog while relieving pain as well. That won't hurt my feelings. 'Cause nothing hurts right now, thanks to the pain relievers.)
(Oh, and quick
Moving on...
First, I'm beginning to look at ideas for living room furniture. The beastly sectional that I bought with my first post-college roommate Niki is too big for the space, not really my preferred style, and no longer providing much cushioning in the cushion area. We've been living with the space issue, and I never totally loved the style (though we did love the price at Willie's Warehouse. yes, that is really the name of the place. It's a classy joint with no AC in South Texas. Their commercials consist of Willie hiding in random places, like inside refrigerators or front-load washers, while other people walk around asking where Willie is. Then he hops out, and everyone laughs. Yep, classy. I once bought a fridge, electric range, washer, and dryer all for $1200, and they lasted well. I miss Willie's.)
Niki is, by the way, listed as my spouse on one of my credit reports because she and I, as new teachers with our first paychecks not yet in sight and a house with no seating, financed the couch jointly. I've tried to correct it. I haven't been successful yet.
Okay, back to seating. I want a smaller and more neutral couch, because I want to be able to switch up accessories.
I'm not opposed to the sectional look, as long as it's miniature, like this one from World Market:
And with that one, I have the option of throwing caution to the wind and going with a color I love in our home. (Neutral? What? I never said that. Hmm, or maybe I did. But did I mean it?)
We saw a swatch of this in the store a week or two ago, and it's much less pumpkin than it looks above. more of a true spice mix - what it might look like if you dumped a little of each of the contents of your spice drawer onto a tray and then added more paprika and nutmeg.
On the other side of the room, where we have boring (and free, so boring is okay) wooden chairs. I want to replace them with one or two of these. (The pictures are the same chair, the first from World Market's website and the second that I took quickly in the store. As you can see in my not-so-great picture, it's more eggplant than purple and smaller than it looks online.)
I am glad I found the chairs, because I was thinking about getting something like this, from Crate and Barrel (I think), in its place (yes, I do like plum, along with terracotta/pumpkin oranges and mossy greens; that's basically our color palette downstairs). However, the chaise is more than double the cost of two of the chairs above.
I'm not sure we can rock the spice colored couch with the eggplant tufted-back chairs in the same room, especially given that the room has green walls. But it would combine all my favorites. I'm going to have to make a design board to consider the possibilities.
Two other quick ideas:
I like this idea of painting frames the same color as the wall and arranging them in a group, though this color isn't my thang. I might do that downstairs. (Thanks for the idea, Censational Girl!)
Also, I've been thinking about taking the carpet off our stairs (because there is no chore I detest as much as vacuuming them) and doing something like this, though with less white. (And, yep, this is Centsational Girl again.)
I just re-read all the work she did, though, and I'm reconsidering, especially because I can't quite figure out what the transitions at the bottom and top of the stairs, both carpeted areas, would look like with wooden stairs. Maybe I'll leave the carpet but revamp the wall and banister as a good first (or possibly only) step, like she did a year before.
And, finally, thanks to Justin Taylor about a month ago, I'm wanting this. It matches nothing that we own, and it wouldn't fit anywhere, but how cool is it?
My next home inspiration post will be my ideas for curtains and coordinating pillow covers. I've found some options at the store, some fabric online, and some other random ideas. I think that might be one of my first post-MAEd projects.
You know, after I finish my other half-finished projects.
And get healthy. (Which I'm hoping will happen. Someday. This side of heaven, hopefully.)
So what's inspiring you right now?