A birthday girl, lightly floured

About a month ago, our friends Jenelle and Leiana came over for us to celebrate L's birthday. We put up steamers and hang a (previously used for Jocelyn's second birthday) Nemo banner. We busted out some Nemo party hats from the same birthday. And, in lieu of balloons, I printed pictures of balloons for Jocelyn to color.

And, of course, we poured flour on the floor.


That's not part of your birthday party routine?

Okay, okay, it isn't usually part of ours either. But it was on October 20th. I blame it on Gretchen's s'more brownies. (In a word: amazing.) I didn't feel like making cake, but I had the fixin's for the goodness of the brownies. We made them. And then Jenelle and I slipped into a mashmallow-y chocolate-y coma for a few moments.

Which was just long enough for Robbie to grab a bag of flour out of the pantry. As Jenelle and I made nom nom nom murmurings in praise to God for the goodness that is s'more brownies, he and Leiana brought the bag into the middle of the kitchen. We observant mommas didn't notice. They opened it. We didn't notice. They began taking out handfuls of flour and dumping them on the floor.

And then I noticed. I shouted something and scooped Robbie up. Jenelle went for the birthday girl. I tried to figure out the best way to corral the kids with the fewest tears while one of us could clean the mess.

And in a moment of complete and total surrender desire to get back to be brownies acknowledgment of the fun the kids would have, I asked Jenelle, "What's the worst thing that could happen if we just let them play?"

So we went back to the brownies. And enjoyed this for entertainment.

You can see some chocolate around L's mouth below, proof that we did share the brownies with the kids.

I know this last picture isn't fantastic quality, but do you see the lightly floured birthday girl? The big girl licking flour from the floor? The little guy shouting in excitement?

It captures the day well.

A picture of the snow angels they made with flour might have captured it even better, but I failed to get any decent ones of that. I might have had better pictures with less blur, but I was distracted. Did I mention the brownies?