What books do you turn to for help raising your kids to love Jesus?

Raising Godly Children in an Ungodly WorldI think all of us who believe in Christ want to raise godly children. That’s why the title Raising Godly Children in an Ungodly World: Leaving a Lasting Legacy by brothers Ken & Steve Ham appealed to me. The best takeaway is that while secular parenting advice is focused on behavior modification, adjusting the outward expression of the heart, Christian parenting is – or should be – centered on Christ, who cares about our hearts more than our behavior.

Because if our kids act properly in every circumstance but don’t love Jesus, is that what we want? No. Then why is that how I parent much of the time based more on my kids’ behavior than their hearts?

Because I need a heart check too.

Sacred Parenting: How Raising Children Shapes Our SoulsThis book didn’t provide me with much of a heart check, though, so while it was beneficial (and most interesting to me during the biographical parts), it’s not the first parenting book I would recommend. Some that have blessed us are Sacred Parenting by Gary Thomas and Great Parents, Lousy Lovers by Gary Smalley and Ted Cunningham (which I reviewed here), but the number one book and the only one that truly offers lasting heart change is the Bible. I think it’s easy to run to other sources for parenting wisdom and forget to let the Perfect Parent give us guidance.

So how about you? Other than the Bible, what parenting books have blessed you and your family? Or are there any that you’ve heard about and would like for me to review sometime? Comments are my love language – leave me one!

Thanks to New Leaf Publishing for providing a review copy of this book. They didn’t ask for a positive review, just an honest one.