i've been better

Right now, my Facebook status reads:
Hi, Pneumonia, I'd like to introduce you to my friend Thesis. Could the two of you figure out some way to coexist for now, because you're both attempting to take over my life? Thanks. (And hi, all my other friends. I might be MIA for a bit while I tend to these two needy ones.)
Yep, that almost captures it. Ice the cake of craziness with this tidbit: holiday and scheduling conflicts mean I'll have to defend my thesis a full two weeks earlier than I had planned (which I figured out yesterday).

I had myself a nice little meltdown with Jesus last night, and I'm good now. I'm trusting that He's gonna get me through it all or He's gonna make it clear that the thesis needs to be postponed until the spring semester (which would push back graduation from December until May).

Oh, and this also means that my sweet friend, Dinglefest, will have to party here by her lonesome until the friends (enemies?) Thesis and Pneumonia are battled into submission, hopefully by the first or second week in November. If I need a clear-my-head-of-statistics break, a post or two might happen before then, but no promises.

(And if you wanted to leave a sweet comment to encourage me, like my friend Kristin's sweet desire - posted on Facebook - to get me a protective superhero suit that would keep me safe from sickness, I would be cool with that. Because, you know, it's probably not a good thing for sanity morale when - other than Kristin and Jesus - the "friends" mentioned in this post are Pneumonia, Thesis, and Dinglefest. Just saying.)