Two new I Can Read! books from Zonderkidz
Woohoo! Two new I Can Read! books to review from Zonderkidz!
While my first review was from their science series, these are from the Bible characters’ series: David and God’s Giant Victory
and Daniel, God’s Faithful Follower
. The stories are consistent with the accounts found in the Bible (with the Daniel one focusing on the lions’ den), and I’m happy to add a couple of biblical beginning readers to our library.
(In case you’re wondering, these are Level 2 in the I Can Read! Rating, described as being for children who are “Reading With Help” with “engaging stories, longer sentences, and language play for developing readers.”)
One thing I didn’t love about the books was the hair. Oh, my. The hair.
Check out the locks on David, Daniel, the angel, and the lions below.
Jocelyn even tried to argue that David must be a girl because of his hair and headband. Wow. Just wow.
Oh, and one last nitpicky thing: One of the books uses a few pages to describe what went on while Daniel was in the lions’ den; however, Daniel 6 – where that story is found – doesn’t provide that detail. Daniel is sealed in the den in verse 17, he’s found there – fine, praise God! – in the morning in verse 21, and the verses in between are focused on the king instead of Daniel. What is added is consistent with the story – Daniel prays in the den just as he always did – but I don’t like it when children’s stories add to the Word. I've read a couple of other children's Bible accounts of the story this week, and they each did it as well.
The FTC requires that I disclose that Zonderkidz provided these books for me to review. Zonderkidz, however, required nothing from me and didn't ask for a positive review or anything else. Therefore, I like Zonderkidz more than the FTC, but I include this disclaimer because I also like not being fined by the FTC.
While my first review was from their science series, these are from the Bible characters’ series: David and God’s Giant Victory
(In case you’re wondering, these are Level 2 in the I Can Read! Rating, described as being for children who are “Reading With Help” with “engaging stories, longer sentences, and language play for developing readers.”)
One thing I didn’t love about the books was the hair. Oh, my. The hair.
Check out the locks on David, Daniel, the angel, and the lions below.
Jocelyn even tried to argue that David must be a girl because of his hair and headband. Wow. Just wow.
Oh, and one last nitpicky thing: One of the books uses a few pages to describe what went on while Daniel was in the lions’ den; however, Daniel 6 – where that story is found – doesn’t provide that detail. Daniel is sealed in the den in verse 17, he’s found there – fine, praise God! – in the morning in verse 21, and the verses in between are focused on the king instead of Daniel. What is added is consistent with the story – Daniel prays in the den just as he always did – but I don’t like it when children’s stories add to the Word. I've read a couple of other children's Bible accounts of the story this week, and they each did it as well.
The FTC requires that I disclose that Zonderkidz provided these books for me to review. Zonderkidz, however, required nothing from me and didn't ask for a positive review or anything else. Therefore, I like Zonderkidz more than the FTC, but I include this disclaimer because I also like not being fined by the FTC.