Thank you for praying

Thank you, friends, for your prayers. As I expected, my appointment on Tuesday was not an easy one. We’ve upped my dose of one drug, opted to avoid another drug (see an upcoming post for more on that), set up x-rays for later this week, and decided that I need to be seeing Dr. T. at every visit instead of every other one. Oh, and we’re keeping an eye on some neurological and cardiovascular issues.

In other words, the visit was as hard as I expected that it would be.

And, at the same time, it was easier than expected.

I’ve been discouraged by easier appointments than this one. And I wasn’t defeated this time around. I had a healthy dose of the sorrow that comes along with living in a fallen world with the knowledge of a place in which no more suffering or pain will exist. That, my friends, isn’t a bad thing. It’s the reality of setting our eyes on Christ while setting our feet on earth. Of being in the world but not of it. Of living between the already of Christ’s coming and the not yet of eternal glorification.

But, beyond that healthy sorrow, I was okay with it. Sure, the circumstances aren’t ones I would have chosen, but they’re part of God’s plan in my life so I want to make the most of them for His glory.

Being prepared - pre-prayer-ed, that is – made a difference. Praise God! And thank you.