I hate those calls.

Yesterday morning I had drunk a cup of coffee, spent some sweet time talking to God, and played with my kiddos. As they were playing quietly, well, not really independently, I sat down at my computer to write an encouraging note to a friend.

Before I could type anything, the phone rang.

I hate that feeling when caller ID says it's the doctor's office, but there's no good reason for them to be calling.

It's my liver. It's not doing well right now. Probably related to medication.

We're not changing anything right now, but we'll repeat tests in a week and a half. If the numbers are still in the toilet, we'll stop the RA drug I take every day. Then we'll repeat the tests again a week or two before my next infusion (which will be about four or five weeks after stopping the first drug), and if the numbers aren't better, then no IV for me. And then I'm not sure what our plan will be.

The nurse asked me a bunch of questions, and I could tell that she and Dr. T were hoping that I had gotten drunk sometime in the week prior to the test, which might have explained my numbers in part. That made me chuckle a little. (The last time I had a drink was March 28, 2004.) Um, no. No alcohol here.

So please pray for my liver to start functioning normally again. 'Cause, you know, I'm kind of attached to it.