GREAT READ: The Creation Story for Children by Helen and David Haidle
I have another gem of a children’s book to review. Love it!
The FTC requires that I disclose that New Leaf Publishing Group provided this book for me to review. NLPG, however, required nothing from me and didn't ask for a positive review or anything else. Therefore, I like NLPG more than the FTC, but I include this disclaimer because I also like not being fined by the FTC.
This one is The Creation Story for Children
by Helen and David Haidle. I’ll use it during devotions, for science education during our preschool homeschool times, and as a welcome addition to our library.
The first 25 pages each, in two page spreads, include a couple verses from Genesis 1 or 2, a simple yet attractive illustration, and a paragraph with discussion questions (“Can you find the different fins and tails that help fish [in the picture] swim?”) and/or scientific facts (“Clouds are formed when billions of water droplets come together.”) The next six pages each include pictures of and paragraphs about specific animals and creatures in God’s creation. Finally, the last eight pages focus on God’s personal creation of each of us, drawing from Psalm 139 to teach children about God’s creation in you.
Good stuff, y’all. Good stuff.
Look? Our sweet girl even agrees.
(And, yes, she dressed herself. Black leggings? Check. Pink unitard? Check. Silly girl? CHECK!)