This is a hodge-podge post, brought on by all the retro pictures people were posting not too long ago on Facebook. Considering that I update my Facebook pictures about every six months or so, I figured I'd make this Flashback Friday the college edition. Other than having to be from the three years at UNC before I graduated and having to be from an event with Lee, there is no other organization to this.
This is from Valentine's Day in 2002 at our favorite little Vietnamese place in Durham. We haven't been there in ages! I found it initially when one of my best friends from college, Lara, was missing her Vietnamese restaurant in Charlotte. I searched online, and we had no idea whether or not it would be a good one. Granted, it is in one of the sketchier parts of Durham, but it's worth it!
I think Lee took this during the summer that we both lived with my parents. That would have been 2002.
With some of the Lutheridge camp counselor crew - Lee, me, Matt, Becca, Allison, and Hillary - at our campus ministry national gathering in Phoenix (Dec 2001/Jan 2002)
Also in Phoenix: the palm tree explorers Katie and Lee! (Don't ask. Not because you don't want to know, but because I honestly don't remember!)
The UNC group in front of a big horse somewhere in Phoenix (Lee, me, Lara, Christy, Patrice, Lauren, and Corinne)
The UNC group (minus me - maybe I was taking the picture? - and plus Lee) in our hoe-down attire at the hotel in Phoenix
Lee and I being silly after painting part of a church in Miami during spring break 2002
At dinner on the way to the campus ministry fall retreat in October 2002 (with Andy, Lauren, and Erica ... and, um, I think we're at Hooters)
Us with some of our old camp counselor buddies in Phoenix, I think, which (like the shot a couple pictures above) would have been around New Year's 2002 - we're with Hillary, Allison, and Erin.
Lee (second from the left) and me (second from the right) and the UNC group (Robin, Lauren, Andrew, Karen, Corinne, and Erica) ... um, I think we were supposed to be in workshops during this. We just made our own Frisbee one!
Me, Corinne, and Lauren welcoming 2003 - I need to hang out with those girls again soon!
Why, yes, that is a straw. And glasses. I've always been classy. And I'm sure Lee is thinking, "This is exactly why I'm going to propose to this girl 15 months from now."
Lee and I with our dear friend Erica (who I need to reconnect with - this is one of the thing I love about flashback Fridays: it makes me pause to remember, which - in this case - makes me remember how much I love and miss old friends!)
Lee and I with the UNC campus ministry (Corinne, Pastor Mark, Karen, Lauren, Erica, and Patrice) group in New Mexico