I like writing, but
this quote, from John Piper, was mighty convicting for me today:
As I plan these changes and enjoy time to read and write more, I have to be on guard against letting my love for reading and writing about God overrun my love for God. It's a danger to which I'm susceptible, and I'm thankful for Piper's words (well, his friend's words) drawing my attention to that.
Sam Crabtree said to me once, "The danger of the contemporary worship awakening is that we love loving God more than we love God." That was very profound. And you might love thinking about God more than you love God. Or arguing for God more than you love God. Or defending God more than you love God. Or writing about God more than you love God. Or preaching more than you love God. Or evangelizing more than you love God.Y'all have seen more writing and less pictures lately on the blog. The main reason for that (lack of memory on my computer restricting my ability to download and subsequently upload new pictures) will be solved soon, but the writing will stick around. If you look back at my first blog posts, there were no pictures. Now it will be a balance: still plenty of family and pictures posts but with a mix of theological musing, devotional material, book reviews, recipes, and education-related discussions thrown in. I may be reorganizing the blog (and possibly relocating it, though that wouldn't be for a while) and/or opening a different blog (to discuss news, policy, and research in education), so forgive me for any mess in progress.
As I plan these changes and enjoy time to read and write more, I have to be on guard against letting my love for reading and writing about God overrun my love for God. It's a danger to which I'm susceptible, and I'm thankful for Piper's words (well, his friend's words) drawing my attention to that.