Rules of strawberry pickin'

Strawberry attire: optional. Strawberry on your face: required. Both: ideal.

Feel free to be picky.

Bond over your berries.

Fill your bucket.

And your belly.

If you're really skilled, fill your belly while filling your bucket.

If it's your first time and you're not sure if you're allowed to fill your belly, do it covertly.

And, if you get caught, look cute. It helps every time.

Speaking of cuteness, feel free to express unabashed joy...

...before and after the outing.

Get sticky.

And dirty.

At the same time.

If you start to feel full...

...start running...

...until you are tired enough... work up an appetite for more.

And, as usual, appease Mom with patience when she has to take several shots before she gets a decent one with both of you in the shot.