Road trip treasures

Since I last posted, little man turned one; we drove five kabillion miles to South Texas and back (okay, okay, it was only 1640 miles each way, 3280 total, but I'm pretty sure that rounds up to five kabillion); all of April happened; my hubby got me a new fridge and washer and dryer (um, yes, he does rock!); we planted a bunch of fruits and veggies and herbs and flowers; I finished my last ever spring semester of my MAEd; I had a blessed girls' weekend with two sweet momma friends while our husbands took care of the kiddos; and we've had a lovely mix of doctor's appointments and playdates and skinned knees. In other words, a whole lot of LIFE has happened between blog posts.

Which means a whole lot of pictures.

Which means a whole lot of posts with pictures. Especially during this two-week break before summer sessions of grad school take off.

Because I am in the process of uploading many of those pictures, I'll start with some road trip pictures that I already have on the computer. One of my favorite things about road trips is the unexpected treasures you find along the way. Treasures like this sweet, deserted Rotary Park in El Campo, Texas. Jocelyn didn't even pause for a picture when we got out of the car, leaving me with this first shot.

Wow, I love these three!

Have I mentioned that I love these three? 'Cause I do.

Oh, and speaking of treasures, we found this gem right around the corner from the park. It's a truck. And it's a hunting stand. 

Ah, I love Texas.