Our Thanksgiving weekend ER visit

A couple days after Thanksgiving Robbie, who had had a cold, woke up making a terrible wheezing noise while breathing. I didn't think it was croup because a) we've never had croup before, so I didn't know what it sounded like, and b) the barky noise was happening with every breath, not just the coughs.

But croup it was! So he got an aspirator treatment and some oral drugs.
From November 2009

From November 2009

From November 2009

From November 2009

And, of course, he was relaxed about the whole thing. The only thing that really bugged him was having the aspirator in his face and being kept up past his bedtime. Other than that, he was perfectly okay with all of it!
From November 2009

From November 2009

From November 2009

We're so thankful to have wonderful neighbors who let Jocelyn crash there so both Lee and I could be with the little guy! And we're thankful that everything cleared up fine and that he hasn't been sick since, even when we all had stomach bugs just before Christmas!