December flurries

We almost missed the much-anticipated December snow event here because it ain't easy to suit up two squirmy little blessings! (And because the event was, well, a bit of a flop.) We did make it out in time for Jocelyn to be excited and Robs to be confused by it all. Jocelyn was smiling, running, laughing, and sticking her tongue out to catch flakes in her mouth, all while sporting her oh-so-impressive toddler style of insisting on a dress with her sweatsuit; Robs was looking at me as if to say, "Uh, Mom. This is cold. And wet. What made you think I would like it? However, big sister sure is funny to watch!" And as for me? I have to admit my reaction to snow is about the same as my daughter's. I'm not sure if I've even seen snow ten times in my life, having grown up as a Florida girl and then living in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas for a couple years, so I giggle with my little princess as the flakes fall! And I'm hoping for a legitimate snow event here soon!!!

From December 2009

From December 2009

From December 2009

From December 2009

From December 2009

From December 2009

From December 2009