Introducing ourselves
Hi blog! You may have forgotten who we are in our prolonged absences lately (sorry 'bout that!), so we'll introduce ourselves...
First, your writer extraordinaire (or, recently, slacker extraordinaire), as seen below with the little guy:
Then there's the handsome fella who has account privileges to make a blog post and who keeps saying that he will ... time will tell about that, I suppose! He does keep awfully busy with work and projects around the house. And, of course, important things like eating chicken pot pies with his little princess.
Speaking of handsome fellas, notice the guy in the foreground below. That cutie is currently taking the world, er, house by storm, crawling and pulling up and cruising a bit. And eating anything and everything in sight, edible or not.
And one willing accomplice who more often than not feeds her little brother anything and everything she can (whether or not it's something he ought to be eating at this point) is our precocious little gal. Who loves slides of all varieties.
And, speaking of being a slacker, you might have noticed that the album links for all these pictures are from October. That might make you think I'm two months behind on blogging.
You're wrong.
As you'll see on this picture's link,
I'm actually more behind than that.
Gulp, like as far behind as July. And I think I have some June stuff left to post too.
I'll try to be better. Or I'll just steal my friend's witty post about not posting if I don't get better about it.
Anyway, nice to meet you. I look forward to spending a bit more time here in the near future.
First, your writer extraordinaire (or, recently, slacker extraordinaire), as seen below with the little guy:
Then there's the handsome fella who has account privileges to make a blog post and who keeps saying that he will ... time will tell about that, I suppose! He does keep awfully busy with work and projects around the house. And, of course, important things like eating chicken pot pies with his little princess.
Speaking of handsome fellas, notice the guy in the foreground below. That cutie is currently taking the world, er, house by storm, crawling and pulling up and cruising a bit. And eating anything and everything in sight, edible or not.
And one willing accomplice who more often than not feeds her little brother anything and everything she can (whether or not it's something he ought to be eating at this point) is our precocious little gal. Who loves slides of all varieties.
And, speaking of being a slacker, you might have noticed that the album links for all these pictures are from October. That might make you think I'm two months behind on blogging.
You're wrong.
As you'll see on this picture's link,
I'm actually more behind than that.
Gulp, like as far behind as July. And I think I have some June stuff left to post too.
I'll try to be better. Or I'll just steal my friend's witty post about not posting if I don't get better about it.
Anyway, nice to meet you. I look forward to spending a bit more time here in the near future.