Robster's six-month stats and more...

Our little guy is now six months old! Wow!

We had his appointment on Thursday, and here are the latest stats, plus a request from us to join us in prayer about one concern:
  • Height: 26.5 inches (50th percentile)
  • Weight: 14 lbs, 2 oz (below the 5th percentile)
  • Head circumference: 44cm (above the 50th percentile)
  • He dropped a percentile in height and one or two in weight, but our doctor isn't too concerned about that unless he has dropped again by his nine-month appointment. He has a healthy appetite, so I don't think we'll have any issues. He's just a little guy!
The one thing that we'd love your prayers for is his spine. I'm not going to get into all the details here, but he has a couple of physical indicators for spinal abnormalities (like a mild form of spina bifida or a tethered spinal cord syndrome). It is probably nothing, but to be sure our pediatrician ordered an MRI to check it out. We'll be going to local hospital for that on Thursday morning, and we'd love your prayers that the doctors will be able to see exactly what they need to see ... and, preferably, that there would be no problems there for them to see. Also, he'll have to be sedated for the MRI, so please pray that all goes well with that. And, finally, my next IV infusion for my arthritis medication is supposed to be on Thursday afternoon, and it can't be rescheduled unless someone who is supposed to come on Tuesday or Wednesday cancels. Please pray that a cancellation would occur so that I can be free to stay home with Robbie for the rest of the day Thursday after the MRI (especially since I have no idea what his nursing schedule will be like in light of the sedation and since, while he takes a bottle just fine, he prefers momma).
Thanks, friends!

Oh, and here are some shots of him from a few days ago, as he tried out Jocelyn's chair!