The beginnings of the minky...

When I posted about the missing minky (thankfully found, after Lee made a mad dash to the last place we had it) on Facebook tonight, a couple of folks wondered what a minky was. Well, folks, be prepared for the next few posts. Full of purple minky-dom.

When Jocelyn was a few months old, our friends Neal and Heather invited us over for dinner. They blessed us with a couple of baby gifts, including the minky. When I opened it, I had no clue what it was. I'll admit now that I wasn't so sure about it. Yes, Heather had three kids already (and now four, with their latest sweet addition!), but I just did not understand what she intended for us to use this square of fabric for. I pretended to be excited, thanked her, and left it at that.

And I will admit now: Heather is wise. I am not. (Well, I knew that long before she passed her minky wisdom our way, but this is evidence of the fact!) Below is Jocelyn asleep on her first plane ride with her minky.