
Jocelyn is potty trained, except at night. However, we've been having some problems at home at times when she doesn't quite make it. (Thankfully, though, it's a never problem while we're out in public!) And then she often discards the pants and panties and runs around partially naked with nothing on from the waist down. (I can't put partially naked because of Literally, The Best Language Book Ever: Annoying Words and Abused Phrases, written by Paul Yeager who is more of a language nitpicker than I am. I've included an excerpt below.)

Today was a tough day of accidents, and I realized that we needed to have a little chat. (Side note: I'm loving that she's big enough to have little chats now.) So she sat in my lap, we talked about the accidents she's been having, and we discussed what should happen instead. We talked about what the consequence would be if she had an accident and didn't come tell me or Lee right away. We also talked about what the reward would be (a new My Little Pony) after five accident-free days.

I felt like the talk went well

Fifteen minutes later she came to me and said, "I have an accident. I went poo-poo and pee-pee in my panties and leggings. I sorry." Despite being bummed about yet another accident, I was pleased that she had grasped our little chat and come to me immediately.

I am too quickly and easily pleased. Why?

Because she then said, "I get a pony now?"

Yes, my sweet child heard this (imagine Charlie Brown's teacher for the "wah" parts): "wah wah wah wah... tell me when you have an accident... wah wah wah... and you get a pony."


(Side note: maybe she's not quite big enough for little chats like this yet.)

From December 2009

And here's your promised excerpt from the aforementioned book:

As the old saying goes, We're all naked under our clothes; however, we are never partially naked in any situation. Naked means completely without clothing. For the sake of convenience or out of laziness, it has become popular to describe someone who is partially clothed as partially naked; however, wearing even one lonely, little sock means that a person is not naked. The person might be embarrassed, but he's not naked.